The microgeneration energy through solar and wind renewable sources is becoming reality in Brazil. It has been motivated by several factors, from reducing the turnaround time (payback) due to the decrease in the prices of equipment, encouraging the production of clean energy as well as being a way to save on your energy bill. However, in the race of microgeneration, solar energy (photovoltaic) has taken advantage over micro wind systems.
The advantage presented by the photovoltaic systems is related to two factors; the first relates to the equipment of the installation location (solar panels) which is more practical, and can be installed on the roofs of houses or outdoors, since shading free. Already the wind systems for micro generation depend on a random variable called “wind”, therefore, need to be installed in places with good presence of wind with speed and regularity.
The second factor is related to the price and consequently the time of return on investment. The average price for the installation of micro wind generation is 40% higher, that is, it is more expensive to install micro wind systems, and this, with regard to equipment and the complexity of engineering of these projects.
According to the National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL), to date, there are only 17 registered projects for the use of micro wind generation connected to electrical network of distributors. However, even with the higher cost for the micro wind generation, northeastern states and Rio Grande do Sul have made investments in this area, but with specific applications in companies and not for residential use.