
About the INESC P&D Brasil >

Organizational Chart



GENERAL ASSEMBLY: Statutory body for strategic direction and supervision, responsible for setting the guidelines of INESC P&D Brazil which, on its own initiative or on a proposal may establish other advisory bodies, defining their composition and competencies.

Directors Board: statutory body which is responsible for exercising all necessary for the proper conduct of the management of the activities of INESC P&D Network INESC Brazil and Brazil powers.

Chairman: Vladmiro Miranda

Executive Director: Alexandre Rocco

Director of Science and Technology: Mauro Rosa

FISCAL COUNCIL: statutory body, which shall audit and inspect the accounts of INESC P&D Brazil and submit its report to the General Assembly.

Chairman: Paula Faria

Advisors: Ildemar Cassana Decker, Helio Leães Hey

SCIENTIFIC COUNCIL: statutory body with authority to monitor and guide the scientific and technical nature activities. Advisory body composed of a number of doctors who represent the scientific areas of INESC P&D Brazil, according to criteria submitted to the General Assembly by the Director. It is accompanied by the Comission of scientific monitoring.

Chairman: Francisco Garcez

SUPPORT SERVICES: Structure multipurpose and multidisciplinary, bringing together most of the administrative support functions and some specialized support, including: accounting services, cash flow, purchase of goods and services, billing; financial management; management of assets; information management; planning and budgetary control; human resources services; legal services; administrative and financial project management services; advisory services and coordination of secretariat of the areas, of Council meetings Units,Direction and Generall meeting.

RESEARCH AREAS AND BUSINESS AREAS (RA & BA): Non-statutory bodies, characterized by their informality and open discussion and preparation of decisions of management on key issues of the functioning of INESC P&D Brazil,budgetary control, cash flow, regulations and procedures, industrial character subjects, investiments, new projects, among others. It comprises the following production areas: Robotic and sensors, communication and information, Energy and production, Environment and health, Electrical Energy, Petroleums, Environemt and Sea, Industry and Management, Innovation Management.