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Vila ConsCiência Project

The activities of the Vila ConsCiência (Science Awareness Village) Project is organized by Apoena Socioambiental and takes place at the Vila Flores Cultural Association in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande Do Sul. It is a free entrance, non-profit event that aims to bring the community closer to science, by offering activities such as workshops, scientific exhibitions and interactive displays, aimed mainly at government-run schools.

The 2019 edition of Vila ConsCiência was attended by six basic education schools from five cities in the Porto Alegre Metropolitan Region participated, involving more than 150 students from different levels of education and the general public. Four higher education institutions also participated: Unilasalle, Unisinos, IFRS and UFRGS. The links below provide a video recording of the event, as well as the e-book that was prepared based on this edition.

The 2023 edition of Vila ConsCiência was attended by 15 waste picker cooperatives (96 people), six government-run schools (160 students and 8 teachers), and three partnering higher education institutions (Unilasalle, Unisinos, and IFRS). The goal of the event was to popularize science and promote sustainability in an inclusive and accessible way. A video recording of the event, as well as the e-book that was prepared based on this edition, are available in the links below.

In both editions, funding was provided by the Brazilian Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). Since the third edition, the event has also been supported by INESC P&D Brasil, Apoena Socioambiental, and Ecdise, and takes place during the Brazilian Science and Technology Week.

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