The consultancy IDF Bombas – HIDRA Industrial LTDA focuses on the pumping of liquids, particularly drinking water, and on the eco-friendly generation of energy, i.e. hydrogenation that transforms the force of water into electric power. At the base of both technologies, pumping and energy generation, are the amphibious pumps and generators manufactured by HIGRA.
IDF Pumps seeks to increase the efficiency and reliability of pumping and hydrogenation. Due to the underwater installation, amphibious engines and generators have several operating peculiarities, requiring the use of sophisticated instrumentation techniques for their correct monitoring and diagnosis. Having said this, the partnership aims at the development of diagnostic techniques and tools that will allow the operators of this equipment to obtain real-time knowledge about their working conditions.
The coordination is carried out by INESC R&D Brazil with the participation of the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS). The HIGRA Industrial LTDA provided financing, a world reference in Amphibious Turbo Generator, Amphibious Pumps, Aerators and Mixers.