INESC P&D Brasil >



Smart Grids based on Fiber Optic Sensors for instrumentation of Structures and Electrical Components in Power Systems.


The research project is funded by CNPq through the modality Young Talent Attraction (Bolsa Jovem Talento – BJT) program of science without borders and aims the development of the paradigm of smart grids based on fiber optic sensor systems.

Meet the growing electricity demand of current society, without neglecting parameters that may affect the environment, green and sustainable production are necessary, as well as smart grids, capable to reliably and efficiently deal with these challenges. In this context, it is essential to have monitoring and supervision tools for structures and components of electrical power system, that allow real-time monitoring of the power grid, in order to ensure maximum efficiency and safety in its operation. In addition to quality and performance indicators, knowledge of the health of the support structure and components are crucial, in order to get an overview of the transmission system, permitting to take the necessary actions in time, preventing for potential failures that might occur, thus preserving the continuity of service and people safety. The researchers involved in the project are highly qualified professionals in the areas of optical sensors and high-voltage power systems with experience in performing works of science, technology and innovation.

The specific project objectives are:

1. Conception and implementation of the smart grids paradigm based on optical fiber sensors systems for instrumentation of structures and components in power systems.
2. Conception of the pilot project of a supervisory system of transmission lines base infrastructure. Includes the development and implementation of new optical sensing technologies (to measure strain, temperature, vibration, etc.) for instrumentation of the support structures of the transmission line, aiming real-time diagnosis of its status and of mechanical integrity evolution.

Project Coordinator: Edson Guedes da Costa
Scholarship student BJT: Carlos Gouveia
