About the INESC P&D Brasil >



Daiana Schwengber

Environment and health

Short CV – Daiana Schwengber

06/2019, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.

PhD Student of Social Memory and Cultural Property at La Salle University, Canoas, with a CAPES/PROSUG grant and undergraduate student of Sociology Licensing (Unopar/Canoas), Master in Human Health and Development (2015); Specialist in Clinical and Institutional Psychopedagogy (2013); Undergraduate degree in Biological Sciences (2010), all from La Salle University, Canoas. She is the co-founder of Apoena Sociambiental, a self-managed company composed by women who elaborate and execute projects in the socio-environmental field. She works with interactions between health and environment; life quality; environmental education; solid residues; solidary economy; institutional psychopedagogy in cooperative spaces. She participates in the research group named TESSIDO (Social Technology, Innovation and Development). She is a certified auditor by Instituto Lixo Zero Brasil/ZWIA – Zero Waste International Alliance, an international movement of organizations that develop the concept and principles of Zero Waste around the world. She is a researcher in the Environment and Health area of INESC P&D Brazil.

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