INESC P&D Brasil >


Study by INESC P&D Brasil and EDP Renováveis allows foreseeing the consequences of wind farms in the surroundings


Predicting electromagnetic behaviour near wind farms, and the possible consequences of their implementation, was the main objective of the study carried out by INESC P&D Brasil, within the scope of a consultancy project with EDP Renováveis, concluded in December.

More specifically, the objective was to understand the behaviour of the electromagnetic spectrum in and around wind farms, in order to predict the consequences of the inclusion of these facilities in their respective regions. In this sense, the study resorted to systems based on the propagation of electromagnetic waves, such as radio and TV communication systems, among others.

The study defined analysis methods based on simulations, and resorted to electromagnetic analysis software and field measurements. Thanks to this software, it became possible to model the topology of the terrain, the sources of signal emission and obtain the field distribution in the modelled terrain. The field measurements performed through spectrum analysis can support the validation of the simulations. Moreover, the simulation phase allowed predicting, with a high degree of assurance, the changes that may occur in the electromagnetic spectrum of the region, after the implementation of the wind farm.

The conclusions of this study will help EDP Renováveis, who are still working on the design of a wind farm, to expand and increase knowledge about the electromagnetic influence in the facilities themselves, and in the surroundings of their locations. In this sense, the company will be able to adopt best practices, in order to minimise electromagnetic impact and facilitate their optimised management.

“Predicting the behaviour of the electromagnetic spectrum in and around wind farms is very important, as it has an impact on society. These studies allow us to identify and quantify whether the implementation of the wind turbines will have any practical impact on the communication systems, and on people’s daily lives”, said Edmar Candeia Gurjão, a researcher at the Federal University of Campina Grande, an entity part of the INESC Brasil Network.

It is important to mention that the study included INESC P&D Brasil, mainly through researchers Edmar Candeia Gurjão and Alexandre Jean René Serres (Federal University of Campina Grande, UFCG), Tarso Vilela Ferreira (Federal University of Sergipe, UFS) and Mauro Augusto da Rosa (Federal University of Santa Catarina, UFSC).