INESC P&D Brasil >


Universal Project of Rodrigo Braga

Intelligent Wheelchair: Low Cost Multimodal Interface Design


This research work aims to increase knowledge and develop a low cost Multi-Modal Interface (IMM) for intelligent wheelchairs from low cost components/electronic devices, which are widely used in engineering and even by hobbyists, currently available at several sale points. A flexible, friendly and extended interface that incorporates many input devices (command) and several output devices (acting and feedback) is almost indispensable in a Smart Wheelchair (SW).These devices are sensing systems, of action, interaction and communication that allow the development of interface with multiple forms of interaction with the SW, easing the way to use new methods of control, navigation and intelligent planning adapted for smart wheelchairs. This interface for smart wheelchair will be developed to allow the adaptation of the SW to different persons, from individuals who do not have large motor difficulties to individuals with cerebral palsy and quadriplegics. The work will focus on the development of an initial prototype of the IMM and a basic platform of the motorized wheelchair (developed with low-cost commercial devices) for studies, prototype testing and economic evaluation of the resulting product.

Entities Involved

logo_projeto_cnpq Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico Brasil
 logo_projeto_inescbrasil INESC P&D Brasil Brasil
ufsc Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Brasil