About the INESC P&D Brasil >



Julio Cesar Rodrigues de Azevedo

Environment and health

Short CV – Julio Cesar Rodrigues de Azevedo

08/2020, Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil.

Bachelor’s and Teaching degrees in Chemistry, Master’s degree in Chemistry from the State University at Maringá, PhD in Continental Aquatic Environments Ecology, and Post-doctorate studies in Environmental Sciences/Environmental Chemistry at the University of Coimbra, Portugal, in 2015. Currently Full Professor at the Federal Technological University of Paraná. Adviser of Master’s program students in the Graduate Program in Environmental Science and Technology (PPGCTA/UTFPR), and of Master’s and PhD students in the Graduate Program in Hydric and Environmental Resource Engineering (PPGERHA/UFPR) at the Federal University of Paraná. Experience in the area of Analytical Chemistry, with emphasis on Environmental Chemistry and Analytical Instrumentation, working mainly in the following areas: aquatic ecosystems, the study of dissolved organic matter, fluorescence emission analysis, nutrient analysis (phosphorous, forms of nitrogen, OD), analysis of dissolved metals, particulate matter and in sediment, emerging contaminant analysis (including pharmaceuticals, caffeine, female sexual hormones, plastics), HPas. Scholarship in Productivity in Research from the Araucária Foundation, from Aug/2013 – Dec/2016. As of 2017 currently with a scholarship from CNPq 2.