About the INESC P&D Brasil >



Mauro Fonseca

Computing and Communication

Short CV – Mauro Fonseca
Brazil, Paraná, Curitiba, June 2016.

Mauro Fonseca is currently Associate Professor at UTFPR. He was Full Professor at PUC-PR for 18 years. He received his PhD in Networks from Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6). Graduated from the PUC Paraná Brazil in 1994 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Computers Engineering (specializing in Control), and gained a M.Sc. in Networks and distributed system analysis from the CEFET Paraná Brazil in 1997. He has already been leader of several projects and participated on national and international projects. His research interests focus on service management frameworks, architectures for networks and wireless networks. He is advising two PhD students in the research area of wireless networks, and additionally he is a researcher in the Computation and Communications research area of INESC P&D Brasil.

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